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Popular Doujinshi in JAPAN

Feature Doujinshi in JAPAN

How to buy in toranoana

By registering with AOCS and obtaining an “AOCS-exclusive Toranoana member ID,” you can ship the purchased items from Toranoana Online Shop overseas.

Step 1
Register at AOCS
Sign up for AOCS to receive your “AOCS-exclusive Toranoana member ID”. *If you’re already a Toranoana Online Shop member, please use a different email address for AOCS registration.

Step 2
Log in to Toranoana Online Shop
Use your “AOCS-exclusive Toranoana member ID” to log in to the Toranoana Online Shop.

>Link to Toranoana Online Shop

Step 3
Find any items you want
Find, Discover, and Order Your Desired Items

Step 4
Make Payment at AOCS
The items you ordered from Toranoana will be sent to AOCS’ warehouse. Please make the payment at AOCS.
>Payment Method

Step 5
Receive Your Items
Once the payment is complete, AOCS will deliver your items to your overseas address.



Please check the instructions on this page for usage.

What is AOCS?

AOCS (Anime Otaku Carry Service) acts on your behalf to purchase items from Toranoana and deliver them to your country.
Items you order are sent to AOCS’ warehouse in Japan. By making payment for the “item price” + “international shipping fee” + “service fee”, we will deliver the products to the overseas address registered with AOCS.